Master-Dent® MTA is a superior root repair material, used for retreatment of perforations during root canal therapy, as an apical plug during apexification, treatment of internal resorption and root end filling. It may also be used for pulp-capping, pulpotomy or as a base or liner. Hydration of the fine powder particles forms an impermeable barrier once fully set. The unique Master-Dent MTA Gel resists washout and offers increased stability compared to similar materials.
MTA Root Treatment & Vital Pulp Therapy
- Unique Powder/Gel format improves resistance to washout
- Finer powder for faster hydration
- Improved Radiopacity
- Biocompatible
- Strong Sealing Properties
- Desiccant-lined jar protects from humidity
Item Number
12-900 MTA Root & Pulp Treatment Material (2g kit)